Intercultural Learning in Response to China’s One Belt One Road Initiative
Author: Thung Ju Lan, M.Sc., Ph.D
Abstract In this paper, I would like to discuss the importance of Intercultural Learning for Indonesians in Response to China’s One Belt One Road Initiative. There are several reasons for this argument. First, the underlying idea of One Belt One Road Initiative is ‘connectivity’ for integrating regional economy, if not the world economy, and Indonesia as an achipelago occupies quite a strategic position in connecting various parts of the world which is separated by the sea and ocean. Second, the key to the success of this initiative is cooperation between participant countries, and such cooperation should not only involve the national governments but also the people, known as ‘people to people communication and connection’. Third, in the future, global connectivity will change the way people live. ‘Global citizenship’ might become a new objective. Intercultural learning is one way to change the people and the world, because intercultural learning and ‘global citizenship’ are intimately interconnected (AFS, 2017).
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ISBN : 978-602-51169-6-4
Program Studi Sastra Tiongkok
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia