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The Eye For Sight And Mind In Chinese And English Language: A Corpus Based Analyses

Author: Dr. Ria Herwandar, M. Ed


Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the similarities and differences in the metonymic and metaphorical concept of lemma Eye in English and in Chinese as portrayed by Yu analyses. The theories are based on Lakoff and Johnson, Yu and Hanks ideas concerning the development of metonymy and metaphor in lemma Eye. The English data is depicted from The Corpus of Contemporary American English while the Chinese derives from Yu analyses. Although the methodology is based on mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative of corpus data, it is strongly described in the qualitative manner. The finding is that both languages have experiential roots in bodily experiences in this case Eye. However, it cannot be avoided the emerging of the cultural interference as expressed in their differences. The finding also shows further dynamic metaphors of Eye in English as a reflection of exploitations in linguistic features.

Keywords: Metonymy; Metaphor; Mind; Chinese; English; Eye


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Sumber Rujukan Kamus

Oxford Advanced Learener’s Dictionanry

Merriem Webster Learner’s dictionary

Merriem Webster Dictionary



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ISBN : 978-602-51169-6-4


Program Studi Sastra Tiongkok

Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia



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